Friday, March 23, 2012

God Isn't In Church...

This isn't exactly new information, but it's something I read today that spoke volumes to my heart.  God isn't in my church...or your church.  Let me explain...

First, I want to take a look at a passage of scripture from (yet again) the book of Acts.  Acts 17:24-25 says this:

"The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things"

I have sometimes been guilty of being a "church" snob.  Thinking that maybe some types of churches had "better" encounters with God than others.  Thinking that the presence of the Lord was stronger in a certain denomination than another.  But, I don't think that's typically the case.  The fact really is, it doesn't matter what the sign out in front of your church says.  It doesn't matter if you decorate the inside in a certain way.  It doesn't matter if your worship band doesn't happen to have a drum set (as much as it hurts me to admit it).  

Who are we to think that God cares more about one denomination than another?  That the Lord of heaven and earth would care where our church is listed in the phone book?  

Now, I will say this...God might not show up to all denominations equally.  He seeks a personal relationship with each of us, and if we are putting ourselves in a place that teaches against that, or has incorrect doctrine, God may very will withhold his presence.  BUT, He pursues us on an individual level.  He loves us as individuals, not necessarily for who we are as a "whole" with our fellow believers.  That said, I believe you can be in the midst of the most pagan ritual, and because of your hunger for Him - your seeking Him, He'll show up.  He rewards, and is faithful to those who diligently seek Him.

God cannot be contained in a building, a denomination or any other "box" we may try to stuff Him into.  However, we need to be careful.  We do need to choose our churches carefully - we need to make sure that we are being taught correctly.  Too many times our decisions on where to attend church are based on where our family attends, what music we like or what the fellowship amongst the congregation is like.  Not that those things aren't relevant...they're just not AS relevant.  Without correct instruction, we may spend our whole lives without understanding who God really is, without understanding His love, His purpose for our some cases without even understanding salvation.  How do we know which churches are theologically correct?  By reading His Word, by seeking Him. 

If God Himself doesn't reside in a building, then what is the point of going to church?  Well, there are lots of reasons why church is important.  Instruction, worship, fellowship, etc. are important.  But those things occur in any church.  You owe it to yourself, your family and God to make sure that your denominational decisions are firmly based in your understanding of God's Word.  That's what makes the difference between a "meat and potatoes" sermon that allows the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts and transform our lives, and an awkward nap on an uncomfortable pew.  We shouldn't take anyone's "word for it" regarding spiritual matters.  The Lord deserves more than that.  We should be taking His word as the final word.

Too many people out there are actually sinning by going to church.  Not because they're going to the "wrong" one, but because they're making it an idol.  They're putting their church or their pastor or their comfort zone above God.  And I will admit that I have at times been guilty of that myself.

I'll post a little note that I wrote earlier about the importance of fellowship in a moment, but for right now, this is my prayer...Lord, please help me to remember that You don't show up at church because of the sign on the door...You show up to meet with me.  Thank you for loving me with a love that permeates walls and boundaries, for being available to me wherever I am.  Help me to obedient to You, and to honor You with my decisions...not only in where I head to on Sunday mornings, but in every aspect of my life.

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